You are here: 7. Mobile Applications > 7.5. Paperless Stocktake > 7.5.3. Mobile Stocktake - Micronet Procedures

Mobile Stocktake - Micronet Procedures

Paperless stocktake has both a Micronet component and a PDA component. This topic outlines the Micronet procedures for paperless stocktake.

Stocktake batches can either be created on a PDA or created within Micronet and assigned using the Warehouse Scheduler - Stocktakes tab (for more information, refer to "Warehouse Scheduler - Stocktakes").

To process a paperless stocktake:

  1. From Micronet Distribution, create a stocktake batch as you normally would.

Specify your Description, Method (Overwrite SOH with Stocktake Count), Range and CREATE ITEMS.

Refer to "Creating a New Stocktake Batch".


Your batch will be on the paperless queue, waiting to be assigned. When a stocktake batch is initially created, it is assigned to PDA 99999.

  1. Using the Warehouse Scheduler, you can:
  1. As stocktake batches are completed on a PDA, they are returned to the Warehouse Scheduler with a status of Completed Paperless. You can then load the batch into Micronet and edit, verify, print reports and post the batch just like any other stocktake batch.

Refer to "Recalling a Stocktake Batch".


Technical Tip

When a stocktake batch is posted on a PDA, it can take up to 10 minutes (system configurable) before the batch is seen in Micronet.

  1. Alternatively, you can post one stocktake batch to another stocktake batch.

Refer to "Stocktake Batch - File - Post to Existing".